The journey towards fostering meaningful collaborations and maintaining individual wellbeing is an ongoing endeavor. This edition of ‘Becoming In The Work’ aims to address a topic many of you have shown interest in – wellness. In light of the recent passing of Stephen “tWitch” Boss, a poignant question arose: “What are three attitudes that can support wellness?” Countless resources offer diverse perspectives on this topic, yet three core attitudes resonate strongly – those related to identity, reality, and perspective.

Unshackling Identity from Possessions and Status

The way we perceive ourselves significantly influences our life experiences. In our success-driven society, it’s all too easy to equate our identities with our jobs, relationships, and material possessions. This mentality can lead to desolation and self-doubt when faced with losses. However, you are not your job title, your relationships, or your possessions. You are an individual with unique purposes and ambitions. Recognizing and nurturing this intrinsic self-awareness is a critical step towards enhancing your mental wellbeing.

Differentiating Reality from Illusion

In this digital age, social media often paints an illusion of perfection, causing us to question our accomplishments and self-worth. Yet, it’s crucial to remember that every individual, regardless of their online persona, experiences life’s ups and downs. Therefore, instead of comparing your life to the selectively shared highlights of others, celebrate their victories while maintaining a clear understanding of your own reality. Recognizing this truth helps ward off feelings of depression, worry, and anxiety.

Transforming Perspective

The way we perceive our life events profoundly impacts our emotional wellbeing. As the late Dr. Wayne Dyer wisely said, “when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” Applying this philosophy helps you shift from an unproductive, negative mindset to one that fosters creativity and problem-solving. Regularly practicing this transformational change in perception can significantly enhance your emotional wellness.

Your attitudes towards identity, reality, and perspective wield immense influence over your quality of life. By acknowledging your true identity, understanding the reality of human experiences, and actively reshaping your perspectives, you can move from a state of distress to one of calmness. Embrace these mindsets for your continued growth and improved wellbeing.

Stay well and stay strong!