“Ever found yourself in a collaboration that started with a bang, only to fizzle into frustration, confusion, and thoughts of abandoning the project?”

It’s a story all too familiar for many of us who have embarked on collaborative projects. Initially, it feels like a perfect alliance; there’s synergy, alignment, and a shared vision. However, somewhere along the way, personalities clash, miscommunication ensues, and the once-promising project derails. Suddenly, the temptation to quit becomes overpowering.

But don’t despair. When collaborations go wrong, it doesn’t signify the end. There’s often a way to course-correct and get back on track.

Understanding the Win-Win Mindset

In coaching individuals through troubled collaborations, I’ve found a common tendency to overlook a crucial first step—establishing a win-win mindset. This fundamental step is a necessity, not just at the beginning, but also in fixing current fractured relationships.

So, how do you foster this win-win mindset?

1. Embrace a Single-Pointed Focus

All collaborators must firmly believe that everyone can win. If you operate under the notion that someone must lose for you to succeed, you’ve found the root of your collaboration troubles. Likewise, if your partners believe in a zero-sum game, that’s another root that needs attention. Re-establishing a shared focus on everyone’s victory is imperative.

2. Define ‘Winning’

Winning must be defined by all collaborators. Do this by examining agendas at both the organizational and personal levels. Understanding the role these agendas play allows for future planning that ensures all needs are met. Uncovering these agendas, especially personal ones, prevents misunderstandings and frustrations down the line.

3. Build Trust through Honesty

Should you feel uneasy about what ‘winning’ means for your partner, seize the opportunity to build trust. Voice your concerns, explore underlying assumptions, and work together to steer the partnership back on track. If necessary, involve an impartial facilitator to aid the conversation.

Ancient wisdom tells us that challenges and setbacks are inevitable. Acknowledging this truth allows us to lay the groundwork to preempt many obstacles that might block our path to success.

The First Step

Therefore, the first step in any collaborative partnership must be to decide that it will be a win for everyone involved. This decision not only sets the tone for the partnership but also consciously prompts you to be intentional about your collaboration. It’s also a proven method to course-correct a collaboration that’s gone awry.

If you’re currently facing these challenges, apply these recommendations and observe the transformation. Feel free to share your success stories; I’d love to hear how you turned your collaborative efforts around and achieved winning together.